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|20210531||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/nsa-deutschland-und-frankreich-kritisieren-daenemarks-mutmassliche-spionagehilfe-a-96bfb4d6-e89f-48cc-ace6-bb0c91d94978 Mutmaßliche Unterstützung des US-Abhördienstes NSA Berlin und Paris fordern Klarheit über dänische Spionagehilfe]||[[FR]] / [[DE]] / [[DK]] / [[FE]] / [[NSA]] / [[MERKEL, ANGELA]]
|20210531||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/525255-france-allegations-us-spying-eu-extremely-serious/ France says allegations of US espionage on European leaders are ‘extremely serious’ & may have ‘consequences’]||[[FR]] / [[DK]] / [[FE]] / [[NSA]] / [[MERKEL, ANGELA]]
|20210531||francetvinfo.fr||[https://www.francetvinfo.fr/monde/espionnage-d-internet/espionnage-des-europeens-par-la-nsa-ces-faits-potentiels-sont-graves-reagit-le-secretaire-d-etat-clement-beaune_4644677.html Espionnage des Européens par la NSA : "Ces faits potentiels sont graves", réagit le secrétaire d'État Clément Beaune]||[[FR]] / [[DK]] / [[FE]] / [[NSA]] / [[MERKEL, ANGELA]]
|20210531||bbc.com||[https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-57302806 NSA spying row: Denmark helped US gather data on European officials, says report]||[[DK]] / [[FE]] / [[NSA]] / [[MERKEL, ANGELA]]
|20210530||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/525237-denmark-nsa-spying-europe-snowden/ Denmark helped NSA spy on Merkel & other European leaders, new reports reveal, as Snowden says Biden was ‘deeply involved’]||[[DK]] / [[FE]] / [[NSA]] / [[MERKEL, ANGELA]]
|20210530||dr.dk||[https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/indland/forsvarets-efterretningstjeneste-lod-usa-spionere-mod-angela-merkel-franske-norske Indland: Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste lod USA spionere mod Angela Merkel, franske, norske og svenske toppolitikere gennem danske internetkabler]||[[DK]] / [[FE]] / [[NSA]] / [[MERKEL, ANGELA]] / [[OPERATION DUNHAMMER]]  
|20210530||dr.dk||[https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/indland/forsvarets-efterretningstjeneste-lod-usa-spionere-mod-angela-merkel-franske-norske Indland: Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste lod USA spionere mod Angela Merkel, franske, norske og svenske toppolitikere gennem danske internetkabler]||[[DK]] / [[FE]] / [[NSA]] / [[MERKEL, ANGELA]] / [[OPERATION DUNHAMMER]]  

Latest revision as of 20:14, 31 May 2021


Intel Environment

Military Alliance NATO
Interior Intelligence Services Politiets Efterretningstjeneste (PET) (Police Intelligence Service) (Wikipedia)
Exterior Intelligence Services
Military Intelligence Services Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste (FE) (Danish Defence Intelligence Service)

Telco/Carrier/ISP Environment

3G 2100 Hi3G Denmark ApS (3 DK) http://www.3.dk/
GSM900/1800 / 3G 2100 TDC A/S (TDC Mobil) http://www.tdc.dk/
GSM900/1800 Telenor A/S (SONOFON) http://www.telenor.dk/
GSM900/1800 3G 2100 Telia Nattjanster Norden AB (Telia DK) http://www.telia.dk/

Transnational Cables and Connections

Type Name Ownership Connecting Operator Point A Connection Operator Point B URL/Notes

SIGINT/COMINT Stations and Operators

Name Location Operator Capabilities
Aflandshage Foreign-operated "accommodation site" that provides occasional SIGINT product to the US INSCOM
Almindingen, Bornholm Foreign-operated "accommodation site" that provides occasional SIGINT product to the US INSCOM
Dueodde, Bornholm Foreign-operated "accommodation site" that provides occasional SIGINT product to the US INSCOM
Gedser Foreign-operated "accommodation site" that provides occasional SIGINT product to the US INSCOM
Hjørring Foreign-operated "accommodation site" that provides occasional SIGINT product to the US INSCOM
Løgumkløster Foreign-operated "accommodation site" that provides occasional SIGINT product to the US INSCOM
Sandagergård Forsvarets_Efterretningstjeneste (FE) Data Center

Privacy Related Legislation

LI Legislation


Vendor Appearance

  • Vendor with Place of Registration in Denmark: SPECTRONIC

Articles / Events / Situations


Date Source Title Tags
20210531 spiegel.de Mutmaßliche Unterstützung des US-Abhördienstes NSA Berlin und Paris fordern Klarheit über dänische Spionagehilfe FR / DE / DK / FE / NSA / MERKEL, ANGELA
20210531 rt.com France says allegations of US espionage on European leaders are ‘extremely serious’ & may have ‘consequences’ FR / DK / FE / NSA / MERKEL, ANGELA
20210531 francetvinfo.fr Espionnage des Européens par la NSA : "Ces faits potentiels sont graves", réagit le secrétaire d'État Clément Beaune FR / DK / FE / NSA / MERKEL, ANGELA
20210531 bbc.com NSA spying row: Denmark helped US gather data on European officials, says report DK / FE / NSA / MERKEL, ANGELA
20210530 rt.com Denmark helped NSA spy on Merkel & other European leaders, new reports reveal, as Snowden says Biden was ‘deeply involved’ DK / FE / NSA / MERKEL, ANGELA
20210530 dr.dk Indland: Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste lod USA spionere mod Angela Merkel, franske, norske og svenske toppolitikere gennem danske internetkabler DK / FE / NSA / MERKEL, ANGELA / OPERATION DUNHAMMER


Date Source Title Tags
20201116 dr.dk Hemmelige rapporter: USA spionerede mod danske ministerier og forsvarsindustri DK


Date Source Title Tags
20180301 theintercept.com The Powerful Global Spy Alliance You Never Knew Existed NSA / FIFE EYES / US / GB / AU / NZ / CA / BE / DK / FR / DE / IT / NL / NO / ES / SE / KR / SG / TH / IN


Date Source Title Tags
20150710 wikileaks.org HACKINGTEAM: /etc/LISTA.txt HACKINGTEAM / US / NL / BY / MY / TR / SA / KW / IN / ID / AE / GR / SG / CZ / IT / DE / FR / NO / RS / CY / LT / ZA / HU / PL / DK / NZ / ZW / SI / KR / VA / CH / ES / CA / MT / UY / VN / BG / KZ / MO / HR / GT / QA / AT / SB / JP / RO / NA / FI / SE / RU / BN / LB / GH


Date Source Title Tags
20141121 information.dk Dansk data opfanget ved kabeltapning er blot en ’tilfældighed’ DK
20140630 dr.dk FOIA Documents on USA pressede Danmark til mere lempelige krypteringsregler DK
20140630 dr.dk Overvågning: USA pressede Danmark til mere lempelige krypteringsregler / english translation via ms-translator DK / PET / US
20140619 rt.com NSA uses 33 countries to intercept web traffic – Snowden Files NSA / RAMPART-A / US / CA / NZ / GB / DZ / AT / BE / HR / CZ / DK / ET / FI / FR / DE / GR / HU / IN / IL / IT / JP / JO / KR / MK / NL / NO / PK / PL / RO / SA / SG / ES / SE / TW / TH / TN / TR / AE
20140619 information.dk NSA ‘third party’ partners tap the Internet backbone in global surveillance program DK / RAMPART-A / AZUREPHOENIX / SPINNERET / MOONLIGHTPATH / REDHARVEST / DDIS / WINDSTOP / EIKONAL / WHARPDRIVE
20140618 firstlook.org How Secret Partners Expand NSA’s Surveillance Dragnet NSA / RAMPART-A / US / CA / NZ / GB / DZ / AT / BE / HR / CZ / DK / ET / FI / FR / DE / GR / HU / IN / IL / IT / JP / JO / KR / MK / NL / NO / PK / PL / RO / SA / SG / ES / SE / TW / TH / TN / TR / AE
20140131 spiegel.de Verhandlungsvorteile: NSA spähte Klimakonferenz aus NSA / DK / UN
20140130 gonggri.jp Surveillance: NOT a first world problem NSA / DK / UN
20140129 huffingtonpost.com Snowden Docs: U.S. Spied On Negotiators At 2009 Climate Summit NSA / US / DK / UN


Date Source Title Tags
20131219 rt.com Eyes everywhere: NSA's second tier spying partners identified NSA / DK / SE / NO / BE / FR / DE / IT / NL / ES
20131104 information.dk Denmark part of NSA inner circle DK / NSA / FR / NL / NO / UPSTREAM
20130904 wikileaks.org COBHAM: David Ast COBHAM / AST, DAVID / DE / CZ / DK / CH / FR / AT / IT
20130629 privacysurgeon.org Former NSA contractor warns of “murky” interception arrangements NSA / DE / FI / GB / DK / NL / FR / ES / IT / US / CA / AU / NZ / ECHELON / BND / CESID / OPERATION DELIKATESSE / TR / MIT


Date Source Title Tags
23.12.2011 businessweek.com Bloomberg: Israel Didn’t Know High-Tech Gear Was Sent to Iran Via Denmark DK IL IR SY ALLOT BLUECOAT


Date Source Title Tags
23.12.1999 cryptome.org NEW EXPOSURE ON ECHELON - Sigint/Surveillance/Denmark ECHELON SIGINT DK
21.12.1999 cryptome.org INTERVIEW: ECHELON WAS MY BABY - Sigint/surveillance/Denmark ECHELON SIGINT DK