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|20140116||faz.net||[http://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/vor-obamas-nsa-rede-wir-stehen-vor-dem-abgrund-mr-president-12755381.html?printPagedArticle=true Vor Obamas NSA-Rede: Wir stehen vor dem Abgrund, Mr. President]||[[US]] / [[NSA]]
|20140116||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/spaehprogramm-dishfire-nsa-analysiert-fast-200-millionen-sms-pro-tag-a-943981.html Globales Spähprogramm "Dishfire": NSA sammelte fast 200 Millionen SMS pro Tag]||[[NSA]] / [[GCHQ]] / [[DISHFIRE]] / [[SMS]]
|20140116||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/spaehprogramm-dishfire-nsa-analysiert-fast-200-millionen-sms-pro-tag-a-943981.html Globales Spähprogramm "Dishfire": NSA sammelte fast 200 Millionen SMS pro Tag]||[[NSA]] / [[GCHQ]] / [[DISHFIRE]] / [[SMS]]

Revision as of 16:08, 17 January 2014

National Security Agency, SIGINT/COMINT Organization of the United States Government (USG)




  • NSA/CSS Representative Europe office (NCEUR)
  • A: Patch Barracks, Arkansasstraße, DE - 70569 Stuttgart Vaihingen
  • G: 48° 44′ 11″ N, 9° 4′ 52″ O


Articles / Events / Situations




Date Source Title Tags
20140116 faz.net Vor Obamas NSA-Rede: Wir stehen vor dem Abgrund, Mr. President US / NSA
20140116 spiegel.de Globales Spähprogramm "Dishfire": NSA sammelte fast 200 Millionen SMS pro Tag NSA / GCHQ / DISHFIRE / SMS
20140116 theguardian.com NSA collects millions of text messages daily in 'untargeted' global sweep / NSA extracts location, contacts and financial transactions / 'Dishfire' program sweeps up 'pretty much everything it can' / GCHQ using database to search metadata from UK numbers NSA / GCHQ / DISHFIRE / SMS
20140114 nytimes.com N.S.A. Devises Radio Pathway Into Computers NSA / Implants
20140110 spiegel.de Besuch in den USA: EU-Experten durften Spähaffäre nicht ansprechen EU / US / NSA
20140109 yalelawjournal.org Tiny Constables and the Cost of Surveillance: Making Cents Out of United States v. Jones US / NSA
20140109 orf.at NSA-Skandal entzweit EU-Parlament und Rat EU / US / NSA
20140105 spiegel.de Spähskandal: NSA schließt Überwachung von US-Abgeordneten nicht aus NSA / US
20140104 theguardian.com NSA statement does not deny 'spying' on members of Congress US / NSA
20140103 politico.com Bernie Sanders to NSA: Spying on Hill? US / NSA
20140103 commondreams.org US Senator Wants to Know: Is the NSA Spying on Congress? Sen. Bernie Sanders writes letter to Gen. Keith Alexander asking if the agency "has spied" or is "currently spying" on elected government officials US / NSA
20140101 spiegel.de NSA-Software für iPhones: Apple verneint Kenntnis von Spionageprogramm NSA / APPLE / ANT / DROPOUTJEEP



Date Source Title Tags
20131231 rt.com Sorry for letting them snoop? Dell apologizes for 'inconvenience' caused by NSA backdoor NSA / TAO / ANT / DELL
20131230 dailydot.com The NSA has nearly complete backdoor access to Apple's iPhone APPLE / NSA
20131230 wired.com NSA Hackers Get the ‘Ungettable’ With Rich Catalog of Custom Tools NSA / TAO / ANT
20131230 spiegel.de NSA's Secret Toolbox: Unit Offers Spy Gadgets for Every Need NSA / TAO / ANT / CISCO / JUNIPER / DELL / HUAWEI / HP
20131230 spiegel.de Interactive Graphic: The NSA's Spy Catalog NSA / TAO / ANT
20131230 spiegel.de NSA-Dokumente: So knackt der Geheimdienst Internetkonten NSA / TAO / QUANTUM / FOXACID / YAHOO / SSO / VALIDATOR / OLYMPUSFIRE
20131229 theverge.com NSA reportedly intercepting laptops purchased online to install spy malware NSA / TAO
20131229 spiegel.de Shopping for Spy Gear: Catalog Advertises NSA Toolbox NSA / TAO / ANT / FEEDTHROUGH
20131229 spiegel.de Inside TAO: Documents Reveal Top NSA Hacking Unit NSA / TAO / MX / INTERDICTION
20131229 spiegel.de US-Geheimdienst: NSA spioniert Datenkabel von Europa nach Asien aus NSA / SEA-ME-WE-4
20131227 spiegel.de Geheimdienst: US-Gericht erlaubt Telefondatensammlung der NSA US / NSA
20131223 golem.de NSA-Affäre US-Regierung sperrt sich gegen Gerichtsverhandlung US / NSA
20131221 eff.org Despite Releasing New NSA Information, Government Still Tries to Block Groundbreaking EFF Case US / NSA
20131221 nytimes.com White House Tries to Prevent Judge From Ruling on Surveillance Efforts US / NSA
201312 cryptome.org SWEDUSA 2013 Strategic Planning Conference (SPC) SE / NSA / FRA / RU
20131220 nytimes.com N.S.A. Spied on Allies, Aid Groups and Businesses NSA / GCHQ / UN / EU
20131220 theguardian.com GCHQ and NSA targeted charities, Germans, Israeli PM and EU chief GCHQ / NSA / DE / IL / EU
20131219 spiegel.de US-Spähaffäre: Die Hintertüren im NSA-Bericht NSA
20131219 spiegel.de Bundesregierung in der NSA-Affäre: Ein halbes Jahr - und kaum Antworten DE / NSA
20131219 rt.com Eyes everywhere: NSA's second tier spying partners identified NSA / DK / SE / NO / BE / FR / DE / IT / NL / ES
20131217 theguardian.com Merkel compared NSA to Stasi in heated encounter with Obama: German chancellor furious after revelations US intelligence agency listened in on her personal mobile phone DE / NSA / US
20131217 rt.com Revealed: Norway spies on Russia for NSA NO / RU / NSA
20131216 boston.com Judge: NSA program is likely unconstitutional US / NSA
20131216 politico.com Judge: NSA phone program likely unconstitutional NSA / US
20131216 nytimes.com Judge Questions Legality of N.S.A. Phone Records US / NSA
20131216 spiegel.de Geheimdienst-Skandal: NSA-Telefonüberwachung laut US-Richter wohl verfassungswidrig US / NSA
20131213 reuters.com Exclusive: After 'cataclysmic' Snowden affair, NSA faces winds of change NSA
20131212 spiegel.de Geheimdienst-Skandal: NSA späht Internetnutzer mit Google-Cookies aus NSA / GOOGLE
20131210 washingtonpost.com NSA uses Google cookies to pinpoint targets for hacking NSA / GOOGLE
20131209 spiegel.de "World of Warcraft", "Second Life": Geheimdienste überwachten Online-Spiele NSA / GCHQ
20131209 theguardian.com Spy agencies in covert push to infiltrate virtual world of online gaming - NSA and GCHQ collect gamers' chats and deploy real-life agents into World of Warcraft and Second Life NSA / GCHQ
20131209 spiegel.de Google, Facebook, Microsoft: US-Firmen fordern Reform der Internetüberwachung GOOGLE / FACEBOOK / MICROSOFT / US / NSA
20131206 thehill.com NSA tracks phone locations under executive order NSA / Location Tracking / FISA
20131205 theguardian.com NSA considered spying on Australians 'unilaterally', leaked paper reveals: 2005 draft directive says citizens of '5-Eyes' countries may be targeted without knowledge or consent of partner agencies NSA / AU
20131205 spiegel.de Überwachungsskandal: Wie die NSA weltweit Handys ortet Location Tracking / NSA / FASCIA
20131205 spiegel.de NSA-Skandal: Handy-Überwachung auf dem ganzen Planeten NSA / Location Tracking / FASCIA
20131204 spiegel.de Neue Ausspähenthüllung: NSA greift milliardenfach Standortdaten von Handys ab NSA / Location Tracking / FASCIA
20131204 washingtonpost.com NSA tracking cellphone locations worldwide, Snowden documents show NSA / Location Tracking / FASCIA
20131203 usnews.com Some NSA Opponents Want to 'Nullify' Surveillance With State Law - Activists say legislation can cut water, kill snooping at Utah Data Center NSA Utah Data Center (US) / NSA
20131202 fm4.orf.at NSA-Regeln für EU-Daten Der Bericht der transatlantischen Arbeitsgruppe zur NSA-Spionage zeigt, dass für den Umgang mit EU-Daten nur die internen Vorschriften der US-Geheimdienste gültig sind. NSA / EU / US


Date Source Title Tags
20131128 spiegel.de Geheimdienstaffäre: Kanada erlaubte NSA Spionage bei G-20-Gipfel CA / NSA
20131124 spiegel.de Spähprogramm: NSA soll 50.000 Netzwerke weltweit infiltriert haben NSA / TAO
20131123 nytimes.com SIGINT STRATEGY: A Strategy for Surveillance Powers NSA
20131123 nrc.nl NSA infected 50,000 computer networks with malicious software TAO / NSA
20131123 nrc.nl Nauwe banden NSA en Nederlandse diensten dankzij Uruzgan NSA / NL
20131121 zeit.de NSA: Geschäft ist Geschäft – oder nicht? NSA / DTAG
20131121 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: US-Geheimdienst sammelt Daten unverdächtiger Briten GB / NSA
20131120 theguardian.com US and UK struck secret deal to allow NSA to 'unmask' Britons' personal data GB / NSA / US
20131119 spiegel.de Veröffentlichte Geheimdokumente: NSA will auch Handy-Ortsdaten erfassen NSA / FISA
20131119 arstechnica.com Judge: “NSA exceeded the scope of authorized acquisition continuously” - New declassifed documents show legal arguments over bulk metadata collection FISA / NSA
20131119 zeit.de ERMITTLUNGSVERFAHREN: Der Generalbundesanwalt knickt in NSA-Affäre ein - Aus Rücksicht auf die Beziehung zu den USA sieht Generalbundesanwalt Range offenbar von einem Ermittlungsverfahren gegen den US-Geheimdienst ab DE / NSA
20131119 dagbladet.no Dette dokumentet viser ikke overvåking av Norge, ifølge E-tjenesten - Selv om internt NSA-notat sier at det beskriver innhenting mot det aktuelle landet. NO / NSA
20131115 madcowprod.com NSA links to St Petersburg FL Drug Ring VERINT / NSA / GT / MX / MINIHAN, KENNETH A. / UNIT 8200
20131112 spiegel.de Germans Rejected: US Unlikely to Offer 'No-Spy' Agreement DE / US / NSA
20131111 spiegel.de Oil Espionage: How the NSA and GCHQ Spied on OPEC NSA / GCHQ
20131111 spiegel.de Quantum Spying: GCHQ Used Fake LinkedIn Pages to Target Engineers LINKEDIN / GCHQ / NSA / QUANTUM
20131111 rt.com GCHQ spoofed LinkedIn site to target global mobile traffic exchange and OPEC – report LINKEDIN / GCHQ / NSA / QUANTUM
20131110 spiegel.de Snowden-Dokumente: Britischer Geheimdienst greift über gefälschte LinkedIn-Seiten an LINKEDIN / GCHQ / NSA / QUANTUM
20131109 spiegel.de Österreichs Verfassungsschutz erstattet Anzeige wegen NSA-Spitzelei AT / NSA
20131107 heise.de Google vs. NSA: "Fuck you - ab jetzt verschlüsseln wir" GOOGLE / NSA
20131107 rt.com AT&T gets paid millions by the CIA to give up user data AT&T / CIA / NSA
20131107 fm4.orf.at Neue Funkspionagesysteme für US-Botschaften: Die Forschungsabteilung der NSA arbeitet an der Weiterentwicklung klassischer Funkspionage, wie sie von den US-Botschaften aus weltweit praktiziert wird. NSA / Poetzleinsdorfer Strasse 126-128, Wien
20131105 spiegel.de Bericht zu NSA-Affäre: US-Regierung bleibt bei Massenausspähung US / NSA
20131105 tagesschau.de Snowden-Dokumente: Amerikaner lauschen illegal auf Zypern TROODOS / CY / GCHQ / NSA
20131105 theguardian.com Spain opens inquiry into claims it was a target for NSA surveillance - El Mundo hands prosecutor documents it says show the country was targeted by US surveillance programme ES / NSA
20131104 information.dk Denmark part of NSA inner circle DK / NSA / FR / NL / NO / UPSTREAM
20131103 fm4.orf.at Enge Bundesheer-Kooperation mit der NSA AT / NSA
20131102 nymag.com NSA: Germany Was ‘a Little Grumpy’ About Being Left Out of Spying Club NSA / DE
20131102 nytimes.com Documents Show N.S.A. Efforts to Spy on Both Enemies and Allies NSA
20131102 spiegel.de Vorstoß mit Brasilien: Deutschland reicht Uno-Resolution gegen Spähattacken ein BR / DE / UN / NSA
20131102 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Bundesregierung fordert Spitzelverbot für US-Dienste DE / NSA / MERKEL, ANGELA
20131101 spiegel.de NSA-Untersuchung: Obama stoppt Ausspähung von IWF und Weltbank NSA / US


Date Source Title Tags
20131031 spiegel.de US-Überwachung: Botschafter im Shitstorm US Embassy Berlin / DE / US / NSA
20131031 spiegel.de Überwachungsaffäre: NSA soll auch in anderen Ländern Politiker abgehört haben NSA / DE
20131031 nytimes.com Tap on Merkel Provides Peek at Vast Spy Net DE / NSA
20131031 spiegel.de Überwachungsaffäre: Google aufgebracht über NSA-Datenspionage GOOGLE / NSA
20131031 spiegel.de NSA-Skandal: Täuschen, tarnen, taktieren EU / NSA / US
20131030 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Deutsche Delegation im Weißen Haus DE / NSA / US
20131030 spiegel.de Deutsche Delegation im Weißen Haus: Gut, dass wir miteinander reden DE / NSA / US
20131030 wsj.com Indonesia, Thailand Ask U.S. About Allegations of Spying NSA / ID / TH / MY
20131030 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Deutsche Delegation will Obama No-Spy-Abkommen abringen DE / NSA / US
20131030 spiegel.de Interaktive Übersicht: So forscht Amerika die Welt aus NSA
20131030 spiegel.de Vor Wahl zum Papst: US-Geheimdienste sollen Bergoglios Telefonate abgehört haben NSA / VA
20131030 washingtonpost.com NSA infiltrates links to Yahoo, Google data centers worldwide, Snowden documents say NSA / GOOGLE / YAHOO / DS-200B / MUSCULAR
20131030 spiegel.de Überwachungsaffäre: NSA greift Millionen Nutzerdaten von Google und Yahoo ab NSA / GOOGLE / YAHOO / DS-200B / MUSCULAR
20131029 spiegel.de Merkel-Überwachung: NSA hörte offenbar einzelne Gespräche der Kanzlerin mit MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA
20131029 spiegel.de NSA-Überwachung: US-Senat will Handy-Affäre untersuchen MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA / US
20131029 spiegel.de Keith Alexander im US-Kongress: NSA-Chef wirft Europäern Spionage in Amerika vor US / NSA / EU / FR / ES
20131029 rt.com NSA chief calls reports about spying in France, Spain and Italy 'completely false' NSA / FR / ES / IT
20131029 spiegel.de Vorwurf aus den USA: Frankreich und Spanien haben NSA angeblich unterstützt US / NSA / FR / ES
20131029 wsj.com Europeans Shared Spy Data With U.S. - Phone Records Collected Were Handed Over to Americans to Help Protect Allied Troops in War Zones US / NSA / FR / ES
20131029 cryptome.org US Says France, Spain Aided NSA Spying US / NSA / FR / ES
20131029 spiegel.de Vorwurf aus den USA: Frankreich und Spanien haben NSA angeblich unterstützt FR / ES / NSA
20131029 spiegel.de NSA-Überwachung: Schutzprogramm für Obama MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA / US
20131028 spiegel.de Spähskandal: Das Spionagenest am Brandenburger Tor US Embassy Berlin / NSA
20131028 rt.com Spain to US: Mass phone-tapping ‘inappropriate and unacceptable’ ES / NSA
20131028 rt.com NSA tracked 46mln Italian phone calls - report IT / NSA
20131028 time.com Spain: Spanish Media: NSA ‘Spied on 60 Million Phone Calls’ - Allegations made by civil liberties journalist Glenn Greenwald based on Snowden documents NSAES
20131028 spiegel.de NSA-Spähskandal: So funktionieren die Abhöranlagen in US-Botschaften US Embassy Berlin / NSA / SCS / EINSTEIN / CASTANET
20131028 theguardian.com Spain summons US ambassador over claim NSA tracked 60m calls a month - El Mundo newspaper reports having seen NSA document that reveals extent of agency's monitoring of Spanish phone calls ES / NSA
20131028 spiegel.de US-Spionage: NSA hortete auch in Spanien millionenfach Verbindungsdaten ES / NSA
20131028 elmundo.es EXCLUSIVA Los 'papeles de Snowdwen' La NSA espió 60 millones de llamadas en España en sólo un mes NSA / ES
20131028 elmundo.orbyt.es La NSA espió 60 millones de llamadas telefónicas en España en sólo un mes ES / NSA
20131028 spiegel.de US-Überwachung: Interne Prüfung beendete Spähangriff auf Merkel im Sommer NSA / DE / MERKEL, ANGELA
20131028 spiegel.de US-Debatte um NSA-Skandal: "Alliierte sind nicht immer Freunde" US / NSA
20131027 japantimes.co.jp NSA asked Japan to tap regionwide fiber-optic cables in 2011 JP / NSA
20131027 spiegel.de Embassy Espionage: The NSA's Secret Spy Hub in Berlin US Embassy Berlin / NSA / DE / MERKEL, ANGELA / US
20131027 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Koalition der Enttäuschten DE / NSA
20131027 faz.net Ausspäh-Affäre Obama wusste angeblich von den Abhöraktionen DE / NSA / US
20131026 spiegel.de Washington: Hunderte Menschen demonstrieren gegen NSA-Spionage US / NSA
20131026 faz.net Ausspäh-Affäre: Die Spionage-Botschaft - Das Handy von Bundeskanzlerin Merkel steht einem Medienbericht zufolge seit dem Jahr 2002 auf einer Liste mit Aufklärungszielen des amerikanischen Geheimdienstes NSA. Die Abhörtechnik befinde sich im Gebäude der amerikanischen Botschaft am Pariser Platz. DE / NSA / US / US Embassy Berlin
20131026 faz.net Ausspähung durch Amerika Obama zu Merkel: Ich habe nichts gewusst DE / NSA / US
20131026 spiegel.de NSA-Überwachung: Merkels Handy steht seit 2002 auf US-Abhörliste DE / NSA / US / MERKEL, ANGELA / US Embassy Berlin
20131026 theguardian.com NSA: Brazil and Germany lead calls for UN resolution on internet privacy - Diplomats from the two countries are heading efforts by coalition of nations to draft resolution in wake of Edward Snowden leaks BR / DE / UN / NSA
20131025 theguardian.com NSA surveillance: more revelations as EU leaders meet in Brussels - Italian magazine reports allegedly vast scale of US and British spying, and Le Monde publishes another NSA document EU / NSA / IT / SEA-ME-WE-3 / SEA-ME-WE-4 / FLAG
20131025 theguardian.com Germany and France warn NSA spying fallout jeopardises fight against terror - Angela Merkel and François Hollande lead push at EU summit to reshape transatlantic spying and agree new code of conduct EU / DE / FR / NSA
20131025 lemnode.fr The NSA's intern inquiry about the Elysée hacking revealed FR / NSA
20131025 zeit.de US-GEHEIMDIENST NSA - "Die USA dürfen Merkel überwachen": Die NSA hat deutsche Politiker schon immer ganz legal oberserviert, sagt der Historiker Foschepoth. Im Interview fordert er, Gesetze und geheime Verträge zu ändern. DE / NSA / MERKEL, ANGELA
20131025 rt.com Irritated EU leaders voice ‘lack of trust’ with US after spying claims EU / US / NSA
20131025 theguardian.com NSA surveillance: more revelations as EU leaders meet in Brussels - Italian magazine reports allegedly vast scale of US and British spying, and Le Monde publishes another NSA document EU / NSA
20131025 theguardian.com Congressional oversight of the NSA is a joke. I should know, I'm in Congress - I've learned far more about government spying on citizens from the media than I have from official intelligence briefings US / NSA
20131025 welt.de USA schweigen über internationalen Lauschangriff - Merkel ist nicht das einzige Opfer der US-Spionage. Laut Edward Snowdens Dokumenten wurden 35 Regierungschefs belauscht. Bisher erweisen sich die Unterlagen immer als richtig. Und Amerika? Schweigt. DE / NSA / US
20131025 welt.de Merkel und Hollande rücken USA gemeinsam zu Leibe - Die EU-Regierungschefs in Brüssel beauftragen die Kanzlerin und den französischen Präsidenten damit, gemeinsam die Spähvorwürfe gegen die USA aufzuklären. Merkel und Hollande geben sich entschlossen. US / DE / FR / EU / NSA
20131025 spiegel.de USA und EU in der Spähaffäre: Jetzt regiert das Misstrauen NSA / EU / DE
20131024 spiegel.de Spähverdacht: Spitzenpolitiker im Visier der US-Geheimdienste NSA / DE / FR / MX / EU / UN
20131024 faz.net Merkel und die Spähaffäre: Heftige Worte in eigener Sache MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA / US / DE
20131024 rt.com Top spying fallout: EU summit promises NSA thunder, data-protection storm EU / NSA / US
20131024 faz.net Lauschangriff auf die Kanzlerin - Auswärtiges Amt bestellt amerikanischen Botschafter ein DE / US / NSA / MERKEL, ANGELA
20131024 spiegel.de 'Out of Hand': Europe Furious Over US Spying Allegations DE / EU / US / NSA
20131024 spiegel.de 'That's Just Not Done': Merkel Comments on Spying Allegations MERKEL, ANGELA / DE / NSA
20131024 sueddeutsche.de Ausspähung von Merkels Handy: Spionageverdacht gegen US-Botschaft US Embassy Berlin / MERKEL, ANGELA / DE / NSA
20131024 spiegel.de Kanzler-Handy im US-Visier? Westerwelle bestellt US-Botschafter ein DE / NSA / US
20131024 spiegel.de Merkel zur Handy-Affäre: "Ausspähen unter Freunden - das geht gar nicht" NSA / DE / MERKEL, ANGELA
20131024 spiegel.de Mögliche Überwachung von Kanzler-Handy: "Das wäre ein ungeheuerlicher Vorgang" DE / MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA
20131024 theguardian.com Angela Merkel phone-bugging claims are result of Snowden leaks, MP claims - David Winnick says disclosure shows wisdom of decision to hold Commons debate on oversight of UK spying agencies MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA
20131024 nytimes.com Allegation of U.S. Spying on Merkel Puts Obama at Crossroads DE / US / NSA
20131024 spiegel.de Hot Water: German Foreign Minister Summons US Ambassador DE / US / NSA
20131024 spiegel.de USA unter Spähverdacht: Westerwelle spricht von "sehr ernsten" Hinweisen NSA / US / DE
20131024 bangkokpost.com Europe furious over US spying NSA / EU / DE
20131024 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: US-Geheimdienste warnen Partner vor möglichen Snowden-Enthüllungen NSA / RU
20131024 rt.com NSA spied on phones of 35 world leaders NSA / S2 Operations
20131024 rt.com US intelligence warning allies about sensitive Snowden leaks yet to be published - report NSA / RU
20131024 espresso.repubblica.it ANTICIPAZIONE - Datagate, così ci spiano Stati Uniti e Gran Bretagna NSA / IT
20131024 spiegel.de Snowden-Enthüllung: Auch Italiens Regierung wurde offenbar ausgespäht NSA / IT
20131024 spiegel.de Merkel zur Handy-Affäre: "Ausspähen unter Freunden - das geht gar nicht" NSA / DE
20131024 spiegel.de Späh-Affäre: NSA überwachte Telefone von 35 Spitzenpolitikern weltweit NSA / S2 Operations
20131024 theguardian.com NSA monitored calls of 35 world leaders after US official handed over contacts NSA / S2 Operations
20131024 faz.net Kanzlerin abgehört: Es war Merkels Parteihandy DE / NSA
20131024 spiegel.de USA unter Spähverdacht: Obama und das Handy der Kanzlerin NSA / US / DE
20131023 rt.com ‘Unacceptable’: Merkel calls Obama over suspicion US monitored her cell phone MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA / US
20131023 rt.com EU parliament votes to suspend US from financial databank to avoid spying SWIFT / NSA / US / EU
20131023 washingtonpost.com The Merkel phone tap scandal paves the way toward E.U.-U.S. confrontation MERKEL, ANGELA / NSA / US / EU
20131023 spiegel.de NSA-Spitzelei: US-Regierung nennt Bericht über Spähaffäre in Frankreich falsch FR / NSA / US
20131023 bundesregierung.de Pressemitteilung der Bundesregierung vom 23.10.2013 - Zu Informationen, dass das Mobiltelefon der Bundeskanzlerin möglicherweise durch amerikanische Dienste überwacht wird DE / US / NSA
20131023 washingtonpost.com Merkel calls Obama about alleged U.S. monitoring of her phone DE / NSA / US
20131023 ctvnews.ca 'Let's be honest, we eavesdrop too': former French foreign minister on NSA spying claims FR / NSA
20131024 welt.de Spähverdacht - Schlag ins Gesicht der deutschen Sicherheitsbehörden DE / NSA
20131023 theguardian.com US may have monitored Merkel's phone, says German government - White House confirms call demanding clarification and insists US is not monitoring chancellor's communications DE / NSA / US
20131023 faz.net Merkel beschwert sich bei Obama - Hat Amerika am Handy der Kanzlerin gelauscht? DE / NSA / US
20131023 bild.de REGIERUNG VERLANGT AUFKLÄRUNG - Haben die USA Merkels Handy abgehört? DE / NSA / US
20131023 heise.de NSA-Affäre: Angela Merkel wurde wohl abgehört und beschwert sich NSA / DE
20131023 tagesschau.de Hinweise auf Aktion des Geheimdienstes: USA haben offenbar Merkel überwacht DE / NSA / US
20131023 newyorktimes.com Obama Tells Merkel That U.S. Is Not Tapping Her Phone DE / NSA / US
20131023 spiegel.de Kanzler-Handy im NSA-Visier? Merkel beschwert sich bei Obama DE / NSA / US
20131023 rt.com False & misleading: NSA denies French spy reports NSA / FR
20131023 rt.com NSA's Italy op exposed: ‘Millions’ of private communications intercepted with govt awareness NSA / IT
20131022 italianinsider.it COPASIR probes "US spying on Italy" NSA / IT
20131022 lemonde.fr Espionnage de la NSA : la diplomatie française était sur écoute aux Etats-Unis NSA / FR
20131022 lemonde.fr Espionnage : la presse américaine ironise sur les réactions du gouvernement français NSA / FR
20131021 lemonde.fr NSA : Washington tente de relativiser son espionnage en France NSA / FR
20131021 spiegel.de Verbindungsdaten: Frankreich bestellt US-Botschafter wegen NSA-Spähaffäre ein FR / NSA
20131021 spiegel.de EU-Kommissarin: Neelie Kroes nennt Snowden-Enthüllungen "hilfreich" NSA / EU / BE / GB
20131021 rt.com ‘Unacceptable and shocking’: France demands explanation for NSA spying NSA / FR
20131021 lemonde.fr Comment la NSA espionne la France NSA / FR
20131021 lemonde.fr Editorial du "Monde" : combattre Big Brother NSA / FR
20131021 lemonde.fr Espionnage NSA : Laurent Fabius convoque l'ambassadeur américain NSA / FR
20131021 lemonde.fr Espionnage de la NSA : tous les documents publiés par "Le Monde" NSA / FR / US-984XN / US-985D / PRISM / UPSTREAM / STORMBREW
20131020 rt.com NSA leaks: Years of spying on Mexico govt gave US investment benefits NSA / MX
20131020 spiegel.de Fresh Leak on US Spying: NSA Accessed Mexican President's Email NSA / MX / FLATLIQUID / EVENINGEASEL / DISHFIRE
20131015 arstechnica.com Yep, the NSA is grabbing your address book, contact lists too - Millions of Americans, non-Americans have been swept up in this digital dragnet. NSA
20131015 spiegel.de Geheimdienstaffäre: NSA plündert millionenfach Online-Adressbücher NSA
20131015 washingtonpost.com NSA collects millions of e-mail address books globally NSA
20131015 theguardian.com Skype under investigation in Luxembourg over link to NSA http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/oct/11/skype-ten-microsoft-nsa SKYPE / NSA
20131012 rt.com Luxembourg NSA dragnet hauls in Skype for investigation – report SKYPE / NSA
20131008 theguardian.com Fact: the NSA gets negligible intel from Americans' metadata. So end collection - Defenders of the NSA's bulk data collection program argue its necessity. But the evidence it makes us safer is vanishingly small Metadata / US / NSA
20131007 spiegel.de Vorwurf der Wirtschaftsspionage: Kanada und NSA spähen Brasiliens Energieministerium aus CSEC / CA / BR / NSA
20131006 globo.com American and Canadian Spies target Brazilian Energy and Mining Ministry - TV Globo’s Fantastico obtains exclusive access to another document leaked by former NSA analyst Edward Snowden CSEC / CA / BR / NSA
20131004 theatlantic.com How the NSA Thinks About Secrecy and Risk - At this point, the agency has to assume that all of its operations will become public, probably sooner than it would like. NSA / FOXACID / TAO
20131004 theguardian.com Why the NSA's attacks on the internet must be made public - By reporting on the agency's actions, the vulnerabilities in our computer systems can be fixed. It's the only way to force change NSA
20131004 theguardian.com Attacking Tor: how the NSA targets users' online anonymity - Secret servers and a privileged position on the internet's backbone used to identify users and attack target computers NSA / STORMBREW / FAIRVIEW / OAKSTAR / BLARNEY / XKEYSCORE / TURBULENCE / TURMOIL / TUMULT / FOXACID / QUANTUM / TAO / EGOTISTICALGIRAFFE / FRUGALSHOT
20131004 theguardian.com NSA and GCHQ target Tor network that protects anonymity of web users NSA / GCHQ
20131004 theguardian.com German intelligence service is as bad as the NSA - There has been much criticism of the US agency in Germany, but surveillance laws in both countries fail to protect internet privacy NSA / BND
20131002 wikileaksparty.org.au Unnecessary Necessaries: The NSA, Storage and the Marina Program NSA / MARINA
20131002 nytimes.com N.S.A. Experiment Traced U.S. Cellphone Locations US / NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20130930 washingtonpost.com A CEO who resisted NSA spying is out of prison. And he feels ‘vindicated’ by Snowden leaks. QWEST / NSA / NACCHIO, JOSEPH
20130928 nytimes.com Documents on N.S.A. Efforts to Diagram Social Networks of U.S. Citizens US / NSA
20130928 schneier.com Senator Feinstein Admits the NSA Taps the Internet Backbone UPSTREAM / NSA
20130928 nytimes.com N.S.A. Gathers Data on Social Connections of U.S. Citizens US / NSA / Metadata
20130928 rt.com NSA uses metadata 'to create sophisticated graphs' of US citizens’ social connections Metadata / NSA
20130927 techdirt.com Dianne Feinstein Accidentally Confirms That NSA Tapped The Internet Backbone NSA / UPSTREAM
20130926 theguardian.com US intelligence chiefs urge Congress to preserve surveillance programs - Officials refuse to say in Senate testimony whether cell site data had ever been used to pinpoint an individual's location US / NSA
20130926 nytimes.com Senators Push to Preserve N.S.A. Phone Surveillance US / NSA
20130925 spiegel.de NSA-Spionage: Mexiko fordert Aufklärung über US-Bespitzelungen NSA / MX
20130925 hnn.us Secret Cold War documents reveal NSA spied on senators US / NSA
20130925 thehindu.com NSA planted bugs at Indian missions in D.C., U.N. IN / NSA
20130923 thehindu.com India among top targets of spying by NSA IN / NSA
20130921 nytimes.com EDITORIAL: Close the N.S.A.’s Back Doors NSA / NIST
20130921 washingtonpost.com FISA court ruling on illegal NSA e-mail collection program: Read the declassified Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court opinion striking down a National Security Agency program that unlawfully gathered as many as tens of thousands of e-mails and other electronic communications between Americans before it was shut down in 2011. NSA / FISA
20130918 rt.com Privacy perverted: No telco ever disobeyed NSA phone record orders US / NSA / FISA
20130918 spiegel.de Spähaffäre: US-Telefonanbieter gaben Daten widerstandslos an die NSA US / NSA / FISA
20130918 rt.com NSA's phone data collection is legal, does not violate privacy – FISA court US / NSA / FISA
20130917 fierceitsecurity.com Belgium's largest carrier admits to ongoing network breach - NSA suspected in breach of Belgacom's internal network BELGACOM / NSA
20130917 spiegel.de NSA-Skandal: Europa sagt Amerikas Datenklau den Kampf an EU / NSA / SWIFT
20130916 reuters.com Belgium investigates suspected cyber spying by foreign state BELGACOM / NSA / BE
20130916 nzz.ch Im Visier des US-Geheimdiensts: Swift bestreitet NSA-Spionage SWIFT / NSA
20130916 spiegel.de Spähangriff auf Belgacom: Telefonanbieter der Europäischen Union gehackt NSA / BELGACOM / EU
20130916 sueddeutsche.de Neuer Posten bei US-Geheimdienst NSA sucht Datenschützer NSA
20130915 standaard.be NSA verdacht van hacken Belgacom BELGACOM / NSA
20130915 rt.com NSA ‘Follow the Money’ branch spied on VISA customers, SWIFT transactions – report NSA / SWIFT / VISA
20130915 spiegel.de Überwachung: NSA späht internationalen Zahlungsverkehr aus NSA / SWIFT / VISA
20130913 rt.com NSA masqueraded as Google to spy on web users - report GOOGLE / NSA
20130913 theguardian.com Fisa judge: Snowden's NSA disclosures triggered important spying debate - Dennis Saylor orders government to review rules on surveillance and says further declassification would protect court's integrity US / NSA / FISA
20130913 sueddeutsche.de Spionage in Deutschland Verfassungsschutz beliefert NSA BFV / NSA / DE
20130913 tagesschau.de Verfassungsschutz und NSA tauschen Daten aus: Partnerschaft mit gegenseitigem Nutzen BFV / NSA / DE
20130913 ap.org ALLEGED NSA POST IN AUSTRIA BECOMES STATE AFFAIR NSA / AT / Poetzleinsdorfer Strasse 126-128, Wien
20130913 spiegel.de 100 Tage Prism: Die Bundesregierung weiß von nichts DE / NSA
20130913 spiegel.de NSA-Spionage: EU-Kommission droht USA mit Ende des Swift-Abkommens EU / NSA / SWIFT
20130912 cnet.com NSA disguised itself as Google to spy, say reports NSA / GOOGLE
20130912 reuters.com Brazil's Rousseff targets internet companies after NSA spying BR / NSA / GOOGLE / FACEBOOK
20130912 motherjones.com Report: NSA Mimics Google to Monitor "Target" Web Users NSA / GOOGLE
20130912 latimes.com U.S. shares raw intelligence data with Israel, leaked document shows NSA / ISNU / US / IL
20130911 muckrock.com FOI Request: Vupen Contracts with NSA NSA / VUPEN
20130911 boingboing.net This is the crypto standard that the NSA sabotaged NSA / NIST / SP 800-90A / SP 800-90B / SP 800-90C
20130911 slashdot.org Are the NIST Standard Elliptic Curves Back-doored? ECC / NSA
20130911 spiegel.de US-Geheimdienst: NSA gibt Rohdaten an Israel weiter NSA / ISNU / US / IL
20130911 rt.com NSA 'routinely' shares Americans' data with Israel - Snowden leak NSA / ISNU / US / IL
20130911 spiegel.de Manipulierter Sicherheitsstandard: US-Behörde sucht Spuren der NSA-Saboteure NSA / NIST / SP 800-90A / SP 800-90B / SP 800-90C
20130911 documentcloud.org Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the National Security Agency / Central Security Services (NSA/CSS) and the Israeli SIGINT National Unit (ISNU) pertaining to the protection of U.S. persons NSA / ISNU / US / IL
20130911 theguardian.com NSA and Israeli intelligence: memorandum of understanding – full document NSA / ISNU / US / IL
20130911 theguardian.com NSA shares raw intelligence including Americans' data with Israel NSA / ISNU / US / IL
20130910 techdirt.com FLYING PIG: The NSA Is Running Man In The Middle Attacks Imitating Google's Servers NSA / GCHQ / FLYING PIG / GOOGLE
20130910 rt.com Declassified files detail blatant violations, abuse of NSA domestic spying program US / NSA
20130910 heise.de Überwachung: Schwedischer Geheimdienst leitete Daten an NSA SE / FRA / NSA / GCHQ
20130910 nist.gov Cryptographic Standards Statement NSA / NIST / SP 800-90A / SP 800-90B / SP 800-90C
20130909 slate.com New Snowden Documents Show NSA Deemed Google Networks a "Target" GOOGLE / STORMBREW / NSA / SHIFTINGSHADOW / AF / FLYING PIG
20130909 nist.gov In light of recent reports, NIST is reopening the public comment period for Special Publication 800-90A and draft Special Publications 800-90B and 800-90C NSA / NIST / SP 800-90A / SP 800-90B / SP 800-90C
20130909 spiegel.de NSA-Spionage: EU-Abgeordnete wollen Swift-Abkommen aussetzen NSA / SWIFT / EU
20130909 fm4.orf.at Wie NSA und GCHQ Verschlüsselung unterminieren: Das neueste, bekanntgewordene NSA-Projekt "Bullrun" sieht dem "Facebook-Überwachungsstandard" des European Telecom Standards Institute frappierend ähnlich. ETSI / NSA / GCHQ / BULLRUN / EDGEHILL
20130909 spiegel.de iSpy: How the NSA Accesses Smartphone Data NSA / BLACKBERRY / APPLE
20130909 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Verfassungsschutz späht US-Konsulat mit Helikopter aus DE / NSA / BFV
20130909 radio-utopie.de Spionage: Kollaboration von S.W.I.F.T.-Bankensystem mit N.S.A. seit 7 Jahren bekannt SWIFT / NSA
20130909 zeit.de US-SPIONAGE: NSA bespitzelt Bankendienstleister Swift - Bisher galten Swift-Bankgeschäfte als sicher. Neue Snowden-Dokumente zeigen: Das war ein Trugschluss. Die NSA soll auch das Netz der Finanzinstitute ausgespäht haben. NSA / SWIFT
20130909 spiegel.de US-Spionage: NSA späht Banktransfers und brasilianischen Ölkonzern aus NSA / BR / SWIFT
20130909 heise.de NSA hat angeblich Infrastruktur von Google und SWIFT gehackt NSA / GOOGLE / SWIFT
20130908 globo.com NSA Documents Show United States Spied Brazilian Oil Giant NSA / BR / SWIFT
20130909 telepolis.de Obama-Regierung hat die Befugnisse der NSA erweitern lassen US / NSA / FISA
20130909 spiegel.de Überwachung: US-Regierung lockerte NSA-Beschränkungen per Geheimbeschluss US / NSA / FISA
20130908 washingtonpost.com Obama administration had restrictions on NSA reversed in 2011 US / NSA / FISA
20130907 theguardian.com Microsoft and Yahoo voice alarm over NSA's assault on internet encryption - Tech companies say they were unaware of top secret programs but warn they present 'substantial potential for abuse' NSA / MICROSOFT / YAHOO
20130907 spiegel.de Privacy Scandal: NSA Can Spy on Smart Phone Data NSA / BLACKBERRY / APPLE / ANDROID / DE
20130907 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: "Champagner!" NSA / GCHQ / BLACKBERRY
20130906 taz.de NSA-Technik in Deutschland - Frankfurter Empfänger abgelichtet: Ein Hubschrauber suchte nach Abhöranlagen auf dem US-Generalkonsulat, meldet eine Zeitung. Verantwortlich sei der Bundesverfassungsschutz, hieß es. DE / US / NSA
20130906 thelocal.se Sweden sits on pipeline of intelligence 'gold' SE / NSA
20130906 rt.com The big three: Sweden reacts to report of intel cooperation with NSA, GCHQ SE / FRA / NSA / GCHQ
20130906 badische-zeitung.de ABHÖRSKANDAL - Snowden-Enthüllung: NSA kann verschlüsselte Daten knacken NSA
20130906 theguardian.com Revealed: how US and UK spy agencies defeat internet privacy and security NSA / GCHQ / TURMOIL / LONGHAUL / BULLRUN
20130905 schneier.com "On the crypto bits in your guardian piece, I found especially interesting that you suggest classic discrete log crypto over ecc. I want to ask if you could elaborate more on that." - I no longer trust the constants. I believe the NSA has manipulated them through their relationships with industry. NSA / ECC
20130905 nytimes.com N.S.A. Able to Foil Basic Safeguards of Privacy on Web NSA / GCHQ / BULLRUN / EDGEHILL 
20130905 nytimes.com Unlocking Private Communications NSA
20130905 format.at NSA, Horchposten Wien - FORMAT deckt auf: Der US-Geheimdienst betreibt im Westen Wiens eine streng geheime Abhöranlage, die in der Lage ist, rund 70 Prozent der gesamten Telekommunikation der Stadt abzugreifen. NSA / AT
20130903 rt.com Snowden files reveal US has increased surveillance in Pakistan PK / NSA
20130902 globo.com Veja os documentos ultrassecretos que comprovam espionagem a Dilma - Arquivos foram obtidos com o ex-analista da NSA Edward Snowden. NSA / BR
20130901 spiegel.de US-Geheimdienst: NSA bespitzelte Frankreichs Diplomaten US / NSA / FR


Date Source Title Tags
20130831 spiegel.de Cyber-Angriffe: USA infizieren Zehntausende Computer mit NSA-Trojanern NSA / TAO / GENIE
20130831 rt.com Snowden leaks: NSA conducted 231 offensive cyber-ops in 2011, hailed as 'active defense US / NSA / IR / RU / CN / KP / TAO / GENIE
20130830 washingtonpost.com U.S. spy agencies mounted 231 offensive cyber-operations in 2011, documents show US / NSA / GENIE / TAO
20130828 firedoglake.com NSA Has Been Spying On Members Of Congress For A Long Time US / NSA
20130827 bundestag.de Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Hans-Christian Ströbele, Dr. Konstantin von Notz, Volker Beck (Köln), Britta Haßelmann, Ingrid Hönlinger, Katja Keul, Memet Kilic, Tom Koenigs, Josef Philip Winkler und der Fraktion BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN: Überwachung der Internet- und Telekommunikation durch Geheimdienste der USA, Großbritanniens und in Deutschland NSA / DE / DAGGER COMPLEX / GCHQ / XKEYSCORE / BFST Schoeningen-Hoiersdorf (DE)
20130826 spiegel.de Codename 'Apalachee': How America Spies on Europe and the UN NSA / UN / EU / APALACHEE
20130826 rt.com Former-Salt Lake City mayor wants to sue NSA over 2002 Olympics surveillance US / NSA
20130826 spiegel.de Nach Späh-Aktionen: Uno verlangt Erklärung von US-Regierung UN / NSA / US
20130825 rt.com NSA bugged UN headquarters - report NSA / UN
20130825 spiegel.de Neue NSA-Dokumente: US-Geheimdienst hörte Zentrale der Vereinten Nationen ab NSA / UN / APALACHEE / MAGOTHY
20130823 rt.com 'Privacy rights don’t exist in US anymore' US / NSA
20130823 rt.com Немецкие спецслужбы помогали США шпионить за гражданами Германии DE / NSA
20130823 rt.com New Zealand has direct access to US surveillance NZ / GCSB / NSA
20130823 publicaddress.net Welcome to your sudden but inevitable future of ubiquitous surveillance. NZ / GCSB / NSA
20130823 rt.com NSA paid millions to Internet companies to cover surveillance program costs NSA / PRISM / GOOGLE / YAHOO / MICROSOFT / FACEBOOK
20130823 spiegel.de Prism-Spähprogramm: US-Geheimdienst soll IT-Konzernen Millionen gezahlt haben NSA / PRISM / GOOGLE / YAHOO / MICROSOFT / FACEBOOK
20130823 theguardian.com NSA paid millions to cover Prism compliance costs for tech companies / Top-secret files show first evidence of financial relationship / Prism companies include Google and Yahoo, says NSA / Costs were incurred after 2011 Fisa court ruling NSA / PRISM / GOOGLE / YAHOO / MICROSOFT / FACEBOOK
20130822 nsfwcorp.com Saying Boo To A Ghost: It's No Secret Why Congress Fears Crossing The NSA US / NSA
20130821 spiegel.de Überwachungsaffäre: NSA soll 75 Prozent des US-Datenverkehrs ausspähen können US / NSA
20130821 rt.com NSA has ability to read 75% of all US internet traffic - report US / NSA / BLARNEY / FAIRVIEW / OAKSTAR / LITHIUM / STORMBREW
20130820 wsj.com New Details Show Broader NSA Surveillance Reach - Programs Cover 75% of Nation's Traffic, Can Snare Emails US / NSA / BLARNEY / FAIRVIEW / OAKSTAR / LITHIUM / STORMBREW
20130816 spiegel.de Neue Snowden-Enthüllung: NSA bricht tausendfach Rechte von US-Bürgern NSA / US
20130816 spiegel.de Ausspähung von US-Bürgern: Die vielen Tricks der NSA NSA / US
20130816 washingtonpost.com Court: Ability to police U.S. spying program limited US / FISA / NSA
20130816 washingtonpost.com NSA statements to The Post NSA / US
20130816 washingtonpost.com NSA report on privacy violations in the first quarter of 2012 NSA
20130816 washingtonpost.com NSA broke privacy rules thousands of times per year, audit finds US / NSA
20130813 thomasoppermann.de Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die kleine Anfrage des Abgeordneten Dr. Frank-Walther Steinmeier u.a. der Fraktion der SPD - Abhörprogramme der USA und Umfang der Kooperation der deutschen mit den US-Nachrichtendiensten - BT Drucksache 17/14456 DE / BND / BFV / NSA
20130813 theguardian.com How much data the NSA really gets - The NSA claims it 'touches' only 1.6% of internet traffic – doesn't sound a lot. In fact, that's practically everything that matters NSA
20130812 heise.de Willfährige Helfer: Provider unterstützen die Geheimdienste beim Datenschnüffeln DE / BND / NSA / LEVEL 3 / XKEYSCORE
20130811 rt.com Russia among countries atop NSA surveillance priority list NSA / RU / CN / EU / IR / PK / KP / AF
20130810 spiegel.de US-Geheimdienst: BND übermittelt afghanische Funkzellendaten an NSA DE / BND / NSA / AF
20130810 spiegel.de US-Geheimdienst: NSA führt Deutschland als Spionageziel DE / NSA
20130809 theguardian.com NSA surveillance: the long fight to close backdoor into US communications - Senators' attempt to ensure removal of Americans' data from NSA trawls has been ongoing for more than a year US / NSA
20130809 rt.com New Snowden leak shows how the NSA gets away with domestic spying US / NSA
20130809 theguardian.com NSA loophole allows warrantless search for US citizens' emails and phone calls - Exclusive: Spy agency has secret backdoor permission to search databases for individual Americans' communications US / NSA
20130808 nytimes.com N.S.A. Said to Search Content of Messages to and From U.S. US / NSA
20130808 nytimes.com N.S.A. Sifting Broader Set of Data Crossing U.S. Border US / NSA
20130808 spiegel.de Geheimdienst-Kooperation: BND leitet seit 2007 Daten an die NSA weiter DE / BND / NSA
20130806 spiegel.de Neue Dokumente: US-Drogenfahnder bekommen Tipps aus NSA-Überwachung NSA / DEA
20130805 zeit.de NSA-DATENWEITERGABE: Darf der BND das? DE / BND / NSA
20130805 spiegel.de Überwachung in Deutschland: US-Telekom-Riese bestreitet Datenweitergabe an NSA LEVEL 3 / NSA
20130805 rt.com DEA agents use NSA intercepts to investigate Americans – report NSA / DEA
20130805 reuters.com Exclusive: U.S. directs agents to cover up program used to investigate Americans US / NSA / DEA
20130804 theguardian.com Members of Congress denied access to basic information about NSA US / NSA
20130803 spiegel.de Überwachung: BND leitet massenhaft Metadaten an die NSA weiter DE / BND / NSA / US-987LA / US-987LB
20130803 rt.com ‘Poodle’ UK: MPs to quiz GCHQ spies over $150 mln payments from US govt GB / GCHQ / US / NSA
20130802 theguardian.com Congress eyes renewed push for legislation to rein in the NSA - Proposals signify major shift in political opinion as laws would represent the first rollback of the NSA's powers since 9/11 US / NSA
20130801 spiegel.de NSA-Überwachung: Sieben Fragen an die Bundesregierung XKEYSCORE / DE / NSA / BND / BFV
20130801 spiegel.de "Guardian"-Bericht: USA investieren Millionen in britischen Geheimdienst GCHQ / NSA
20130801 guardian.co.uk Exclusive: NSA pays £100m in secret funding for GCHQ US / NSA / GCHQ / GB


Date Source Title Tags
20130731 slate.com How to Decode the True Meaning of What NSA Officials Say: A lexicon for understanding the words U.S. intelligence officials use to mislead the public. US / NSA
20130731 guardian.co.uk US Senate hearing on National Security Agency's bulk surveillance – live - Senate judiciary committee holds its first hearing into NSA programs with questioning of NSA, FBI and intelligence officials US / NSA
20130731 guardian.co.uk Revealed: NSA program collects 'nearly everything a user does on the internet' NSA / XKEYSCORE
20130731 guardian.co.uk Senators strongly criticise intelligence chiefs over NSA data collection: Ron Wyden tells US senate of 'violations of court orders' while Mark Udall calls for major reforms of surveillance programmes US / NSA
20130730 rt.com NSA surveillance programs to be partially declassified US / NSA
20130730 zdf.de Frontal 21, 30.07.2013 - Beitrag: Schnüffeln für Amerika – US-Firmen in Deutschland (Manuskript) DE / NSA
20130730 zdf.de Frontal 21, 30.07.2013 - Beitrag: Schnüffeln für Amerika – US-Firmen in Deutschland DE / NSA
20130727 rt.com ‘Surveillance society’: German writers slam Berlin’s NSA spying involvement DE / NSA
20130727 washingtonpost.com The White House should end the bulk collection of Americans’ phone records US / NSA
20130725 netzpolitik.org NSA-Whistleblower William Binney: BND erhielt von NSA Quellcode des Abhör- und Analyseprogramms ThinThread THINTHREAD / BND / NSA
20130725 spiegel.de Brief an Bundesregierung: NSA bestätigt Existenz von drei Prism-Programmen PRISM / NSA
20130725 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre im Bundestag: 110 Fragen - kaum Hoffnung auf Antworten DE / NSA
20130725 guardian.co.uk Narrow defeat for Amash amendment to restrict NSA surveillance: First major challenge to NSA's bulk collection of phone records defeated by only 217 votes to 205 in House of Representatives US / NSA
20130725 spiegel.de Abstimmung über Geheimdienst: NSA-Kritiker scheitern im US-Parlament US / NSA
20130724 cnet.com Feds put heat on Web firms for master encryption keys: Whether the FBI or NSA have the legal authority to obtain the master keys that companies use for Web encryption remains an open question, but it hasn't stopped the U.S. government from trying. US / NSA / FBI / FISA
20130724 nytimes.com House Defeats Effort to Rein In N.S.A. Data Gathering US / NSA
20130724 spiegel.de Geheimdienst unter Druck: US-Parlamentarier wollen Macht der NSA beschränken US / NSA
20130723 rt.com NSA holds emergency hearing to fight off anti-surveillance amendment in Congress US / NSA
20130722 rt.com NSA locates cell phones even when they are turned off NSA
20130722 spiegel.de 'Key Partners': The Secret Link Between Germany and the NSA DE / NSA / BND / BFV
20130722 washingtonpost.com NSA growth fueled by need to target terrorists NSA
20130721 sueddeutsche.de Überwachung durch US-Geheimdienste: Unterirdisch DE / NSA
20130721 rt.com Germany intelligence cooperated with NSA as Merkel denied knowledge – report DE / XKEYSCORE / NSA / BND / BFV
20130721 spiegel.de Spionagesystem "XKeyscore": Spähaffäre erreicht Kanzleramt DE / XKEYSCORE / NSA / BND / BFV
20130720 spiegel.de 'Prolific Partner': German Intelligence Used NSA Spy Program DE / NSA / XKEYSCORE / BND / BFV
20130720 spiegel.de Schnüffelsoftware "XKeyscore": Deutsche Geheimdienste setzen US-Spähprogramm ein DE / XKEYSCORE / BND / BFV / NSA
20130719 guardian.co.uk Secret court lets NSA extend its trawl of Verizon customers' phone records: Latest revelation an indication of how Obama administration has opened up hidden world of mass communications surveillance VERIZON / NSA / FISA
20130719 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Alte Lauschvereinbarung soll beendet werden DE / NSA / US
20130719 washingtonpost.com NSA surveillance program extended by court, intelligence officials say FISA / NSA
20130719 spiegel.de Deutscher Ärger über US-Spähaffäre: Aufklärung? Gibt's nicht! DE / NSA
20130718 globalresearch.ca Documents Show Undersea Cable Firms Provide Surveillance Access to US Secret State TELSTRA / PCCW / ECHELON / IVY BELLS / AT&T / NSA / XKEYSCORE / NUCLEON / PINWALE / MAINWAY / MARINA / LEVEL 3 / TEMPORA
20130718 sueddeutsche.de Posse um zweites Prism Merkel mutiert zur Daunendecke NSA / PRISM / MARINA / MAINWAY
20130718 spiegel.de Neues NSA-Abhörzentrum: US-Geheimdienst will künftig auch aus Wiesbaden spähen NSA / DE / Consolidated Intelligence Center Wiesbaden
20130718 spiegel.de NSA-Spähprogramm: Ein Verdächtiger, Millionen Menschen im Visier NSA / FACEBOOK
20130717 guardian.co.uk Slew of court challenges threaten NSA's relationship with tech firms: Unlikely coalition takes NSA – and the telecoms firms who own much of the web's infrastructure – to court over bulk surveillance NSA
20130717 theatlanticwire.com The NSA Admits It Analyzes More People's Data Than Previously Revealed FACEBOOK / NSA
20130717 spiegel.de Regierung in der NSA-Affäre: Die Hinterher-Erklärer NSA / DE
20130717 rt.com Obama administration drowning in lawsuits filed over NSA surveillance US / NSA
20130717 spiegel.de Brüssel und der NSA-Skandal: Das Schweigen der Europäer EU / NSA
20130717 spiegel.de Prism-Skandal: Microsoft will Details zur Geheimdienst-Kooperation nennen dürfen MICROSOFT / PRISM / NSA
20130717 spiegel.de NSA-Abhörskandal: Bundeswehr soll schon 2011 von Prism gewusst haben NSA / DE
20130715 spiegel.de Daten über Entführte: Deutscher Geheimdienst profitierte von NSA-Sammelwut BND / NSA
20130715 spiegel.de Ausspäh-Affäre: Opposition drängt auf Untersuchungsausschus DE / NSA / BND
20130714 faz.net Microsoft hält deutsche Datensorge für schädlich MICROSOFT / NSA / DE
20130714 aljazeera.com Brazil eyes internet bill amid spying leaks - With reports of NSA internet spying, Congress reconsiders stalled bill that some say would have prevented it BR / NSA
20130713 dw.de INTELLIGENCE: Harsh criticism follows US-German talks on NSA DE / US / NSA
20130712 spiegel.de Friedrichs US-Reise: Zu Besuch beim großen Bruder US / NSA / DE
20130712 spiegel.de Überwachungsskandal: Wie Microsoft systematisch den Geheimdiensten hilft NSA / MICROSOFT
20130712 guardian.co.uk Telstra signed deal that would have allowed US spying - Australian company agreed to allow US government to store information on communications between US and other countries AU / NSA / TELSTRA
20130711 guardian.co.uk NSA surveillance: French human rights groups seek judicial investigation - Two groups file lawsuit in attempt to prompt investigation in France into disclosures made by Edward Snowden NSA / FR / DGSE
20130711 spiegel.de Überwachungsskandal: Microsoft soll seit Jahren mit US-Ermittlern kooperieren NSA / PRISM / MICROSOFT / SKYPE
20130711 guardian.co.uk Revealed: how Microsoft handed the NSA access to encrypted messages NSA / PRISM / MICROSOFT / SKYPE
20130710 guardian.co.uk Colombia asks US for explanation after reports it was targeted by NSA spying - Brazilian newspaper says documents leaked by Edward Snowden show US monitored its close ally's internet traffic NSA / CO / VE / BR / MX
20130710 spiegel.de NSA-Abhörskandal: Amerikas digitaler Großangriff auf das Völkerrecht US / NSA / UN
20130710 spiegel.de NSA-Abhörskandal: Merkel will von Spionage immer noch nichts gewusst haben DE / NSA
20130709 guardian.co.uk US must fix secret Fisa courts, says top judge who granted surveillance orders - James Robertson breaks ranks and says he was shocked to hear of changes to allow broader authorisation of NSA programs FISA / US / NSA
20130709 itnews.com Snowden leaks which Aussie spy bases contribute to NSA AU / NSA
20130709 sueddeutsche.de Historiker Foschepoth über US-Überwachung: "Die NSA darf in Deutschland alles machen" DE / NSA
20130709 netzpolitik.org Sehr geehrter Innenminister Friedrich: Vergessen sie PRISM, hier ist was sie die USA wirklich fragen müssen. DE / NSA
20130708 guardian.co.uk US privacy group challenging NSA and FBI collection of phone records - Electronic Privacy Information Center to file petition asking supreme court to suspend FBI's blanket collection of data US / NSA / FBI
20130708 spiegel.de NSA-Mitarbeiter auf LinkedIn: Spion mit Berufserfahrung sucht neue Herausforderung NSA / 485 IS / Dagger Complex / Consolidated Intelligence Center Wiesbaden
20130708 guardian.co.uk Brazil demands explanation from US over NSA spying BR / NSA
20130708 spiegel.de Mangelnde Kontrolle: US-Geheimgericht stärkt Macht der NSA FISA / NSA
20130708 spiegel.de Bundesregierung zu NSA-Skandal: Bedingt aufklärungsbereit NSA / DE
20130708 theago.com.au Snowden reveals Australia's links to US spy web AU / NSA
20130708 guardian.co.uk NSA and GCHQ spy programmes face legal challenge - Privacy campaigners file claim saying laws used to justify data trawling by Prism and Tempora programmes are being abused GB / NSA / GCHQ / PRISM / TEMPORA
20130707 telepolis.de BND toleriert geheimes NSA-Abhörzentrum in Deutschland: In Wiesbaden entsteht das "Consolidated Intelligence Center" DE / BND / NSA / Consolidated Intelligence Center Wiesbaden
20130707 guardian.co.uk The NSA/GCHQ metadata reassurances are breathtakingly cynical - The public is being told that the NSA and GCHQ have 'only' been collecting metadata, not content. That's nothing to be thankful for Metadata / NSA / GCHQ
20130707 spiegel.de Geheimdienst-Lauschangriff: NSA spähte auch Brasilien massiv aus BR / NSA
20130707 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden tells Der Spiegel NSA is 'in bed with the Germans' - Interview carried out before NSA whistleblower fled to Hong Kong appears to contradict Merkel's public surprise at snooping DE / NSA
20130707 spiegel.de Neue Snowden-Enthüllung: NSA-Verbindung bringt deutsche Dienste in Erklärungsnot DE / NSA / BND
20130707 spiegel.de Interview mit Edward Snowden: NSA liefert BND Werkzeuge für Lauschangriff US / NSA / DE / BND
20130707 guardian.co.uk The NSA's mass and indiscriminate spying on Brazilians - As it does in many non-adversarial countries, the surveillance agency is bulk collecting the communications of millions of citizens of Brazil NSA / BR / FAIRVIEW
20130706 nytimes.com In Secret, Court Vastly Broadens Powers of N.S.A. NSA / FISA
20130706 oglobo.globo.com EUA espionaram milhões de e-mails e ligações de brasileiros BR / NSA / FAIRVIEW
20130706 faz.net Geheimdienst-Affäre: Amerika darf Deutsche abhören DE / US / NSA
20130705 guardian.co.uk NSA leaks: UK blocks crucial espionage talks between US and Europe - First talks to soothe transatlantic tensions to be restricted to data privacy and Prism programme after Britain and Sweden's veto GB / NSA / US / EU
20130704 guardian.co.uk US and Germany to hold talks over European NSA surveillance concerns - Obama tells Merkel US 'takes seriously the concerns' but French interior minister admonishes US ambassador at 4 July party US / NSA / DE / FR
20130704 guardian.co.uk European firms 'could quit US internet providers over NSA scandal' - European commission vice-president says American cloud services providers could suffer loss of business EU / NSA / US
20130704 heise.de PRISM und Tempora: EU-Parlament setzt Untersuchungsausschuss ein EU / NSA / TEMPORA / PRISM
20130704 spiegel.de Aufklärung der NSA-Spähaffäre: Friedrich reist zu Gesprächen in die USA DE / NSA
20130704 spiegel.de US-Überwachung in Deutschland: Gabriel fordert Ermittlungen gegen NSA-Chef DE / NSA
20130704 bangkokpost.com EU-US security talks on spy row set Monday in Washington EU / US / NSA / DE / FR
20130704 spiegel.de Anti-Spionage-Resolution: EU-Parlament verlangt Stopp aller US-Spähprogramme EU / US / NSA
20130704 guardian.co.uk Barack Obama agrees to talks with Germany to explain spying on allies - US president tries to allay concerns of Angela Merkel, insisting he takes European concerns about surveillance seriously DE / NSA / US
20130704 spiegel.de NSA-Skandal: Merkel spricht mit Obama über Spähaktionen DE / NSA / US
20130703 guardian.co.uk Angela Merkel: NSA snooping claims 'extremely serious' - German chancellor says fight against terrorism is essential but methods used must be proportionate NSA / DE
20130703 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Friedrich, der Zögerliche NSA / DE
20130702 guardian.co.uk NSA officials 'not always accurate' in public statements over surveillance NSA / US
20130702 heise.de PRISM scandal: internet exchange points as targets for surveillance NSA / DE-CIX
20130702 spiegel.de Innenminister: Friedrich bestreitet NSA-Zugriff auf Frankfurter Netzknoten NSA / DE-CIX
20130702 spiegel.de US-Datenskandal: Amerikas millionenfacher Rechtsbruch US / NSA / DE / EU / GCHQ
20130702 spiegel.de Wegen NSA-Affäre: Westerwelle telefoniert mit US-Außenminister Kerry DE / NSA / US
20130702 spiegel.de Prism-Programm: Unternehmen befürchten Industriespionage der NSA NSA / DE
20130702 heise.de NSA-Abhörskandal PRISM: Internet-Austauschknoten als Abhörziele DE-CIX / NSA / BND
20130702 guardian.co.uk Barack Obama seeks to limit EU fallout over US spying claims - President says NSA will assess espionage allegations as France and Germany demand answers and warn of delay to trade talks US / NSA / EU / FR / DE
20130701 spiegel.de Empörung über NSA-Bespitzelung: Obama verspricht Europa Aufklärung EU / NSA / US
20130701 guardian.co.uk NSA spying row: bugging friends is unacceptable, warn Germans - US attempts to downplay spying allegations as growing European anger threatens to derail transatlantic trade talks DE / NSA / US / EU / FR
20130701 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Angriffsziel Berlin NSA / DE
20130701 washingtonpost.com Misinformation on classified NSA programs includes statements by senior U.S. officials NSA / US
20130701 spiegel.de US-Abhördienst: EU-Parlament ringt um Anti-Spionage-Resolution US / NSA / EU
20130701 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: Bundesregierung kritisiert US-Spähaktion scharf US / NSA / DE
20130701 spiegel.de US-Abhörskandal: Deutschland, Verbündeter 3. Klasse US / DE / NSA
20130701 spiegel.de NSA-Spähprogramm: Experten warnen vor transatlantischer Eiszeit NSA / DE / EU
20130701 spiegel.de Spähskandal: Gabriel unterstellt Merkel Mitwisserschaft NSA / DE
20130701 spiegel.de NSA-Bespitzelung: EU-Kommission lässt Büros auf Wanzen durchsuchen NSA / EU
20130701 spiegel.de NSA-Überwachungsaffäre: Ein Fall für zwei NSA / DE
20130701 spiegel.de US-Abhördienst: NSA spähte weitere europäische Botschaften aus NSA / EU / FR / IT / GR / JP / MX / KR / IN / TR


Date Source Title Tags
20130630 washingtonpost.com Secret-court judges upset at portrayal of ‘collaboration’ with government US / NSA / FISA
20130630 spiegel.de Growing Alarm: German Prosecutors to Review Allegations of US Spying DE / US / NSA
20130630 faz.net „Welthauptstadt des Internets“ - Frankfurt im Visier der NSA: Nach den jüngsten Enthüllungen hat sich der Geheimdienst NSA vor allem für Internetknoten in Süd- und Westdeutschland interessiert. Frankfurt am Main ist nämlich nicht nur ein regionaler Datenumschlagplatz, sondern quasi die Welthauptstadt des Internets. NSA / DE-CIX
20130630 spiegel.de NSA-Spähprogramm in Deutschland: Dame, König, As, Spion NSA / DE / EU
20130630 guardian.co.uk New NSA leaks show how US is bugging its European allies - Exclusive: Edward Snowden papers reveal 38 targets including EU, France and Italy NSA / DROPMIRE / EU / FR / IT / GR / JP / MX / KR / IN / TR / PERDIDO / BLACKFOOT / WABASH / BRUNEAU / HEMLOCK / POWELL / KLONDYKE
20130630 spiegel.de Reaktionen zu NSA-Enthüllungen: EU-Kommissarin stellt Handelsabkommen mit USA in Frage EU / US / NSA
20130630 washingtonpost.com German justice minister accuses US of ‘Cold War’ methods after reports NSA bugged EU offices DE / EU / US / NSA
20130630 guardian.co.uk Key US-EU trade pact under threat after more NSA spying allegations - Reports in Der Spiegel that US agencies bugged European council building 'reminiscent of cold war', says German minister US / NSA / EU
20130630 spiegel.de Überwachung von Deutschland: Bundesanwaltschaft schaltet sich in NSA-Datenskandal ein DE / NSA
20130630 guardian.co.uk EU demands clarification over US spying claims - European parliament president 'deeply worried and shocked' by claims published in Der Spiegel that US bugged EU offices US / NSA / EU
20130630 spiegel.de NSA-Spähprogramm in Deutschland: Steinbrück fordert von Merkel Aufklärung der Überwachung NSA / DE
20130630 spiegel.de Geheimdokumente: NSA überwacht 500 Millionen Verbindungen in Deutschland NSA / DE
20130629 washingtonpost.com NSA slides explain the PRISM data-collection program PRISM / NSA
20130629 privacysurgeon.org Former NSA contractor warns of “murky” interception arrangements NSA / DE / FI / GB / DK / NL / FR / ES / IT / US / CA / AU / NZ / ECHELON / BND / CESID / OPERATION DELIKATESSE / TR / MIT
20130629 spiegel.de Abgehörte EU-Vertretungen: "Kernschmelze des Rechtsstaats" US / NSA / EU
20130629 n-tv.de Wanzen in Vertretungen installiert: NSA horcht EU-Diplomaten aus NSA / EU
20130629 faz.net Spionageenthüllungen: NSA soll EU-Büros mit Wanzen versehen haben NSA / DE / TEMPORA / EU / DTAG / TAT-14 / DE-CIX
20130629 spiegel.de Geheimdokumente: NSA horcht EU-Vertretungen mit Wanzen aus US / NSA / EU
20130628 guardian.co.uk Senators accuse government of using 'secret law' to collect Americans' data - Bipartisan group seeks answers from intelligence chief James Clapper over scale of and justification for NSA surveillance US / NSA
20130627 theguardian.com How the NSA is still harvesting your online data Files show vast scale of current NSA metadata programs, with one stream alone celebrating 'one trillion records processed' NSA / Metadata / XKEYSCORE
20130627 focus.de NSA, GCHQ – Prism, Tempora: So überwachen uns die Geheimdienste über das Internet NSA / GCHQ / PRISM / TEMPORA / CARNIVORE / AT&T / NARUS
20130627 theweek.com How the NSA won its war NSA / STELLAR WIND / FISA
20130627 guardian.co.uk NSA collected US email records in bulk for more than two years under Obama US / NSA
20130627 guardian.co.uk How the NSA is still harvesting your online data - Files show vast scale of current NSA metadata programs, with one stream alone celebrating 'one trillion records processed' US / NSA / SSO / EVILOLIVE / SHELLTRUMPET / XKS / TRANSIENT THURIBLE / Metadata
20130627 guardian.co.uk NSA inspector general report on email and internet data collection under Stellar Wind – full document US / NSA / STELLAR WIND
20130626 mcclatchydc.com Memories of Stasi color Germans’ view of U.S. surveillance programs US / NSA / DD / MFS
20130625 guardian.co.uk Who authorised the NSA and GCHQ to spy on Germans? The US and Britain claim they have operated within the law. But they are not our laws and we shouldn't be subject to them. DE / NSA / GCHQ
20130625 politico.com NSA takes surveillance fact sheets off website US / NSA / FISA
20130625 guardian.co.uk Civil rights group says GCHQ and NSA have targeted it illegally - Liberty asks official tribunal to investigate whether its communications have been intercepted by government spooks GB / GCHQ / NSA
20130624 spiegel.de Angelsächsische Web-Spionage: Fünf Augen für Angela DE / NSA / GCHQ
20130624 guardian.co.uk Senators: NSA must correct inaccurate claims over privacy protections - Ron Wyden and Mark Udall write to head of NSA to correct portrayals of surveillance restrictions on website factsheet NSA / US
20130624 spiegel.de Internetüberwachung: Schnüffelprogramme beschäftigen den Bundestag DE / NSA / GCHQ
20130623 scmp.com EXCLUSIVE: US spies on Chinese mobile phone companies, steals SMS data: Edward Snowden US / NSA / CN
20130623 scmp.com EXCLUSIVE: NSA targeted China's Tsinghua University in extensive hacking attacks, says Snowden US / NSA / CN
20130623 scmp.com EXCLUSIVE: US hacked Pacnet, Asia Pacific fibre-optic network operator, in 2009 US / NSA / HK
20130622 guardian.co.uk MI5 feared GCHQ went 'too far' over phone and internet monitoring - Amid leaks from NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, senior intelligence source reveals worries were voiced in 2008 GB / GCHQ / MI5 / NSA
20130622 guardian.co.uk Snowden spy row grows as US is accused of hacking China - Whistleblower charged with espionage reportedly claims US authorities accessed millions of private text messages in China US / NSA / GCHQ / CN
20130622 spiegel.de Britische Internet-Überwachung: Freund liest mit GB / GCHQ / NSA / TAT-14
20130621 wired.com U.K. Spy Agency Secretly Taps Over 200 Fiber-Optic Cables, Shares Data With the NSA GCHQ / NSA
20130621 guardian.co.uk How does GCHQ's internet surveillance work? Learn more about the system for collecting content and metadata, and what GCHQ can do with it GCHQ / NSA
20130621 guardian.co.uk Mastering the internet: how GCHQ set out to spy on the world wide web: Project Tempora – the evolution of a secret programme to capture vast amounts of web and phone data GCHQ / TEMPORA / NSA
20130621 guardian.co.uk GCHQ taps fibre-optic cables for secret access to world's communications - Exclusive: British spy agency collects and stores vast quantities of global email messages, Facebook posts, internet histories and calls, and shares them with NSA, latest documents from Edward Snowden reveal SUBCOMCAB / GB / GCHQ / US / NSA / MASTERING THE INTERNET / GLOBAL TELECOMS EXPLOITATION / TEMPORA
20130621 netzpolitik.org Neue Dokumente beweisen: Auslandsgeheimdienste wie die NSA können nicht demokratisch kontrolliert werden NSA / FISA
20130620 wired.com 5 Fun Facts From the Latest NSA Leak US / NSA
20130620 daserste.ndr.de NSA in Deutschland: Narrenfreiheit für US-Spione? DE / NSA
20130620 guardian.co.uk Revealed: the top secret rules that allow NSA to use US data without a warrant - Fisa court submissions show broad scope of procedures governing NSA's surveillance of Americans' communication US / NSA / FISA
20130619 netzpolitik.org Geheimdienst-Experte: Kanzleramt und Innenminister waren über NSA-Überwachung “sehr genau unterrichtet” DE / NSA
20130619 guardian.co.uk Google's chief legal officer denies company is 'in cahoots with NSA' - David Drummond reiterates firm's line over leaks and calls for global governmental action to regulate secret collection of data GOOGLE / NSA
20130619 nytimes.com Web’s Reach Binds N.S.A. and Silicon Valley Leaders NSA / SKYPE
20130619 guardian.co.uk Google's chief legal officer: live Q&A - LIVE Join our live chat with David Drummond who will answer your questions about the NSA, security, privacy and the limits of law GOOGLE / NSA
20130618 spiegel.de NSA-Skandal: Obama verteidigt Spähprogramme US / NSA
20130617 zeit.de ÜBERWACHUNG: Das Spionagesystem Prism und seine Brüder NSA / PRISM
20130617 spiegel.de The German Prism: Berlin Wants to Spy Too DE / NSA / BND
20130617 spiegel.de NSA-Skandal: Prisms großer Bruder NSA / PRISM
20130616 guardian.co.uk GCHQ intercepted foreign politicians' communications at G20 summits - Exclusive: phones were monitored and fake internet cafes set up to gather information from allies in London in 2009 GB / GCHQ / NSA
20130616 guardian.co.uk How GCHQ stepped up spying on South African foreign ministry - UK hoped to find out everything it could about negotiating position of Thabo Mbeki's government GCHQ / NSA / ZA
20130616 guardian.co.uk G20 surveillance: why was Turkey targeted? Gordon Brown had hailed 'strong and strengthening ties' with the country, which was – and is – an ally GB / TR / GCHQ / NSA
20130615 bloomberg.com U.S. Agencies Said to Swap Data With Thousands of Firms US / NSA / GOOGLE / MICROSOFT / AT&T / VERIZON / SPRINT NEXTEL / LEVEL 3 / CENTURYLINK
20130615 cnet.com NSA admits listening to U.S. phone calls without warrants US / NSA
20130615 bigstory.ap.org Secret to Prism program: Even bigger data seizure PRISM / NSA / MICROSOFT / FACEBOOK / GOOGLE
20130614 guardian.co.uk Welcome to Utah, the NSA's desert home for eavesdropping on America - The NSA's new $1.7bn facility in the heart of Mormon country has the potential to snoop on US citizens for decades to come NSA / NSA Utah Data Center
20130614 guardian.co.uk On PRISM, partisanship and propaganda: Addressing many of the issues arising from last week's NSA stories PRISM / NSA / US
20130613 blog.rubbingalcoholic.com It’s not just metadata. The NSA is getting everything. NSA
20130613 guardian.co.uk NSA to release more information on surveillance programs – live updates NSA
20130613 guardian.co.uk Snowden revelations on NSA strain US-China relations, says Beijing: State-run China Daily points to countries' 'soured relationship' on cybersecurity and suggests huge surveillance net is unjustified US / NSA / CN
20130612 sueddeutsche.de NSA in Deutschland - Der unheimlichste Geheimdienst der Welt DE / NSA
20130612 deredactie.be "Uncle Sam" mag alles lezen - Jo Lernout BE / NSA
20130612 boingboing.net Proposed EU Data Protection amendment would open the door for secret funneling of Europeans' data to the NSA EU / NSA
20130612 bnr.nl NSA krijgt nul op rekest bij Nederlandse cloudprovider NSA / NL
20130612 washingtonpost.com Google details how it hands over data to federal officials GOOGLE / PRISM / NSA
20130612 gallup.com Americans Disapprove of Government Surveillance Programs US / NSA
20130612 thehill.com NSA revelations only 'the tip of the iceberg,' says Dem lawmaker NSA / US
20130612 guardian.co.uk Senators press NSA director for answers on secret surveillance program: Keith Alexander says surveillance programs have helped thwart attacks – but raises new questions over how they operate US / NSA
20130612 spiegel.de Lehren aus Prism: Google, Facebook, Microsoft machen den Job der NSA PRISM / NSA / GOOGLE / FACEBOOK / MICROSOFT
20130612 guardian.co.uk NSA surveillance: anger mounts in Congress at 'spying on Americans' - After a closed-door briefing of the House of Representatives, lawmakers call for a review of the Patriot Act US / NSA
20130612 guardian.co.uk NSA surveillance: anger mounts in Congress at 'spying on Americans' - After a closed-door briefing of the House of Representatives, lawmakers call for a review of the Patriot Act US / NSA
20130611 spiegel.de Berlin und die Prism-Affäre: Gute Amis, böse Amis DE / NSA
20130611 guardian.co.uk Europe warns US: you must respect the privacy of our citizens: EU officials demand answers on what data snooping programmes entail and whether they breach human rights EU / US / NSA
20130611 nrc.nl 'AIVD heeft ook toegang tot informatie uit PRISM AIVD / NL / NSA / PRISM / GOOGLE / SKYPE / FACEBOOK
20130610 washingtonpost.com Surveillance controversy illuminated by history US / NSA / AT&T / VERIZON / BELLSOUTH / FISA / NSA Utah Data Center (US)
20130610 thedailyshow.com The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - Good News! You're Not Paranoid - NSA Oversight NSA
20130610 gurdian.co.uk GCHQ-NSA revelations - Hague responds: Politics live blog GCHQ / NSA
20130609 stanford.edu (liberationtech) Why didn't tech company leaders blow the whistle? US / NSA / QWEST / NACCHIO, JOSEPH
20130609 guardian.co.uk Surveillance in the US and UK: Spreading national insecurity: The actions of whistleblowers may embarrass governments. But where legislatures and judges fail, whistleblowers keep open the only channel left for public accountability NSA / US / GB
20130608 nytimes.com Peeping Barry NSA / US
20130608 wsj.com Crunch for Tech Companies Over Prism PRISM / NSA / GOOGLE / MICROSOFT / SKYPE / FACEBOOK
20130608 abcnews.go.com 4 Unanswered Questions About NSA Leaks NSA
20130608 wired.com Intel Director Sets Record Straight on PRISM, Sort Of NSA / PRISM / CLAPPER, JAMES R.
20130608 guardian.co.uk Boundless Informant: NSA explainer – full document text: View the three-page explanation document, which showed the NSA collected almost 3 billion pieces of intelligence from US computer networks over a 30-day period ending in March NSA / BOUNDLESS INFORMANT
20130608 guardian.co.uk Boundless Informant NSA data-mining tool – four key slides: The top-secret Boundless Informant tool details and maps by country the voluminous amount of information it collects from computer and telephone networks NSA / BOUNDLESS INFORMANT
20130608 guardian.co.uk Boundless Informant: the NSA's secret tool to track global surveillance data: Revealed: The NSA's powerful tool for cataloguing data – including figures on US collection NSA / BOUNDLESS INFORMANT
20130608 spiegel.de Überwachungsprogramm Prism: Die wackeligen Dementis von Larry Page und Mark Zuckerberg FACEBOOK / NSA / PRISM
20130608 spiegel.de Daten-Überwachungszentrum in Utah: Festung der Cyberspione: Die NSA ist der wohl größte Informationssammler, mit dem Prism-Programm soll der US-Geheimdienst weltweit Internetnutzer ausspähen. Um die Datenberge auszuwerten, errichten die Cyberspione einen gigantischen Server-Komplex in der Provinz von Utah. NSA
20130607 theatlantic.com 'I Cannot Figure Out Why This Was Classified to Begin With': What the PRISM leaks have in common with the Pentagon Papers US / NSA / PRISM
20130607 foreignpolicy.com The PRISM spin war has begun PRISM / NSA / GOOGLE / FACEBOOK
20130607 spiegel.de NSA-Überwachungsprogramm Prism: Die Methoden der Internet-Späher NSA
20130607 washingtonpost.com U.S., British intelligence mining data from nine U.S. Internet companies in broad secret program NSA / US
20130607 spiegel.de US-Bespitzelung im Internet: Obamas Überwachungsstaat US / NSA
20130607 guardian.co.uk PRISM scandal: tech giants flatly deny allowing NSA direct access to servers: Silicon Valley executives insist they did not know of secret PRISM program that grants access to emails and search history US / NSA
20130606 theweek.com Sources: NSA sucks in data from 50 companies NSA
20130606 abcnews.go.com Internet Companies Deny Offering Government Access to Customer Data NSA / PRISM / GOOGLE / APPLE / SKYPE / FACEBOOK
20130606 guardian.co.uk The National Security Agency: surveillance giant with eyes on America: The NSA is the best hidden of all the US intelligence services – and its secrecy has deepened as its reach has expanded NSA
20130606 spiegel.de Telefonüberwachung der NSA: Amerikas gigantischer Datensauger NSA
20130606 guardian.co.uk NSA taps in to internet giants' systems to mine user data, secret files reveal: Top secret PRISM program claims direct access to servers of firms including Google, Facebook and Apple - Companies deny any knowledge of program in operation since 2007 US / NSA / GOOGLE / APPLE / FACEBOOK
20130606 guardian.co.uk NSA collecting phone records of millions of Americans daily - revealed US / VERIZON / NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20130531 cr.yp.to Security dangers of the NIST curves NSA / NIST / ECC


Date Source Title Tags
20130425 documentcloud.org United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Secondary Order in the Application of the FBI for an order requiring the production of tangible things from Verizon Business Network Services VERIZON / NSA
20130412 foxnews.com NSA data center front and center in debate over liberty, security and privacy NSA / NSA Utah Data Center


Date Source Title Tags
20130227 washingtonian.com Ragtime: Code name of NSA’s Secret Domestic Intelligence Program Revealed in New Book NSA / RAGTIME


Date Source Title Tags
20121228 theverge.com Senate votes to let the NSA keep spying on you without a warrant until 2017 US / NSA
07.09.2012 publicintelligence.net Hitachi Press Release on NSA Utah Data Center Cable Purchases NSA / NSA Utah Data Center
02.09.2012 cryptome.org NSA Utah Data Center 2012 NSA / NSA Utah Data Center
20120824 businessinsider.com NSA Whistleblower Details How The NSA Has Spied On US Citizens Since 9/11 NSA
22.08.2012 nytimes.com The Program: The filmmaker Laura Poitras profiles William Binney, a 32-year veteran of the National Security Agency who helped design a top-secret program he says is broadly collecting Americans’ personal data. NSA
20120822 nytimes.com OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR: Who's watching the Watchers? Giving In to the Surveillance State US / NSA
20120717 businessinsider.com NSA Whistleblower Says The Feds Are Gathering Data On Nearly Every US Citizen NSA / US
20120716 publicintelligence.net Sworn Declaration of Whistleblower Willian Binney on NSA Domestic Surveillance Capabilities US / NSA
10.07.2012 guardian.co.uk The NSA's warrantless wiretapping is a crime, not a state secret: As the US will neither affirm nor deny its vast dragnet of phone calls and emails, we must sue to protect our privacy and liberty US NSA
20120619 theverge.com NSA: Investigating privacy violations would violate privacy US / NSA
20120505 cryptome.org National Security Agency Utah Data Center Images NSA / NSA Utah Data Center
03.04.2012 wired.com Shady Companies With Ties to Israel Wiretap the U.S. for the NSA US IL NSA VERINT COMVERSE NARUS ELTA NICE UNIT 8200
20120328 foxnews.com NSA dismisses claims Utah Data Center watches average Americans NSA / NSA Utah Data Center
20120317 rt.com NSA Utah ‘Data Center’: Biggest-ever domestic spying lab? NSA / NSA Utah Data Center
15.03.2012 wired.com The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say) US NSA


Date Source Title Tags
23.05.2011 the new yorker The Secret Sharer: Is Thomas Drake an enemy of the state? US NSA


Date Source Title Tags
23.08.2010 youtube.com Nova - The Spy Factory - Part 4 of 4 NSA
23.08.2010 youtube.com Nova - The Spy Factory - Part 3 of 4 NSA
23.08.2010 youtube.com Nova - The Spy Factory - Part 2 of 4 NSA
23.08.2010 youtube.com Nova - The Spy Factory - Part 1 of 4 NSA



Date Source Title Tags
20081009 abcnews.go.com Exclusive: Inside Account of U.S. Eavesdropping on Americans US / NSA


Date Source Title Tags
23.12.2007 cryptome.org Regarding Corraboration of NSA IP Info NSA
20.05.2007 cryptome.org Eyeball: National Security Agency Headquarters April 2005 NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20060630 bloomberg.com Spy Agency Sought U.S. Call Records Before 9/11, Lawyers Say NSA
20060609 washingtonpost.com Specter Offers Compromise on NSA Surveillance US / NSA / FISA
20060524 washingtonpost.com Gonzales Defends Phone-Data Collection US / NSA
20060511 usatoday.com NSA has massive database of Americans' phone calls US / NSA / QWEST
20060428 spiegel.de Specter Wants More Debate on Spying US / NSA
20060411 cryptome.org NSA/ATT Spying Began 8 Months Before 9/11 NSA
20060309 washingtonpost.com Ex-Justice Lawyer Rips Case for Spying NSA
20060127 washingtonpost.com Varied Rationales Muddle Issue of NSA Eavesdropping US / NSA
20060101 washingtonpost.com NSA Gave Other U.S. Agencies Information From Surveillance US / NSA / FBI / DIA / CIA / DHS


Date Source Title Tags
20051224 Telepolis Der Abhörskandal weitet sich aus US / NSA / FISA


Date Source Title Tags
09.03.2003 cryptome.org GCHQ arrest over Observer spying report - Eyeballing Frank Kozza and the National Security Agency GCHQ / NSA / KOZZA, FRANK


Date Source Title Tags
28.05.2002 cryptome.org Eyeballing the Former NSA Rosman Research Station NSA / ROSMAN RESEARCH STATION / LADYLOVE


Date Source Title Tags
20010527 cryptome.org Subject: Re: NSA tapping undersea fibers? NSA / SUBCOMCAB
20010523 spiegel.de Lauschangriff: Zapfen Geheimdienst-U-Boote Telefonkabel an? SUBCOMCAB / NSA
20010422 spiegel.de Lausch-Imperium: Crypto City entgeht nichts NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20000428 spiegel.de Netzdepesche: Warum die CIA "nie" offensiv spielt ECHELON / NSA



Date Source Title Tags
19990728 telepolis.de Bundesregierung gab Abhörlisten der NSA zurück NSA / DE / NSRL
19990726 spiegel.de GEHEIMDIENSTE: Spurenvernichtung im Amt NSA / DE / NSRL
24.02.1999 village voice A Most Unusual Collection Agency: How the U.S. undid UNSCOM through its empire of electronic ears NSA
17.02.1999 cryptome.org Uncle Sam and his 40,000 snoopers: The following is an interview with a former US operative, now in Australia, of America's National Security Agency US AU NSA


Date Source Title Tags
199805 heise.de Abhör-Dschungel: Geheimdienste lesen ungeniert mit -- Grundrechte werden abgebaut DE / NSA / ECHELON / GCHQ / BND


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18.09.1997 Svenska Dagbladet [Secret Swedish E-Mail Can Be Read by the U.S.A.] SE/NSA


Date Source Title Tags
27.07.1993 cryptome.org National Security Agency / Central Security Service: United States Signals Intelligence Directive US NSA



Date Source Title Tags
19890220 spiegel.de NSA: Amerikas großes Ohr - Die National Security Agency, der aggressivste US-Nachrichtendienst, hört Freund und Feind ab NSA / DE


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19830327 nytimes.com THE SILENT POWER OF THE N.S.A. NSA


Date Source Title Tags
1973 cryptome.org Uncle Sam and his 40,000 snoopers - The following is an interview with a former US operative, now in Australia, of America's National Security Agency NSA / US Embassy Canberra
19720802 Ramparts U.S. Electronic Espionage: A Memoir ECHELON / NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20130612 vice.com A Photo History of the NSA, from Its Once-Secret Archives NSA



Date Source Title Tags
20130610 thedailyshow.com Good News! You're Not Paranoid - NSA Oversight: Charged with overseeing the NSA's surveillance programs, the FISA court wears out its rubber stamp of approval. NSA / US / CLAPPER, JAMES R.
20120902 phoenix via youtube Doku: Überwachungsstaat: Freund hört mit - Über CIA und NSA NSA